5 Benefits of Using Potato Juice for Hair Growth and Shine

In the past, women used to rock long health, dark and lustrous hair. With the advancement of life, the air is filled with a lot of pollutants. The hair was affected in various ways. Hair loss became rampant. Potato juice for hair is a natural remedy to restore health and shine to your hair.

Potato Juice for Hair

Before we arrived at natural remedies for hair problems, there were a lot of chemicals and synthetic products to cure many hair problems. Their effect was positive for a while. The effectiveness reduced as pollution increased.

As time passed, and chemical hair treatment was not giving desired results, there was a need to look for organic alternatives, women used most of these alternatives in the ancient days. One such method was to use potato juice for hair growth and shine.

potato juice for hair

Besides medical conditions, hair loss is also an indication of nutritional deficiency. You can get the nutrients from potato juice by applying on your hair or drinking the juice.

Potato has loads of nutrients ranging from vitamins B, C, A, E, Minerals like Phosphorus, Manganese, selenium, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and beta carotene.

Potato juice will help you achieve long and shiny hair that everyone would admire.

The benefits of using potato juice for hair growth and shine include;

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Prevents Dry Scalp, Dandruff and Itch

A dry scalp is prone to dandruff and itch. Alkalinity causes dandruff. The acidity in potatoes balanced the pH of the scalp. Hence keeping dandruff at bay. The alkalinity also makes the scalp dry. It exposes the scalp to attacks from bacteria and fungi. The scalps become itchy and sensitive due to the germs. 

Mix your fresh potato juice with freshly squeezed lemon juice to fight dandruff and dry scalp. You can use aloe vera gel in place of lemon juice. Massage the mixture thoroughly on the scalp, leave it for about 20 minutes before shampooing your hair. Use mild paraben and sulphate free shampoos.

Triggers Speedy Hair Growth

Potatoes have enzymes that stimulate hair follicles. The zinc, phosphorus, beta-carotene, iron, niacin, and vitamin C gives you a healthy scalp, hair follicles and hair cells. The hair grows strong, resisting breakage caused by lack of nutrients. 

The above nutrients aid in blood circulation hence unclogging blocked follicles. The oxygen supplied to the scalp restores collagen, which is essential in hair growth.  

Massaging potato juice on your hair and scalp activates the healthy cells that trigger hair growth.

You can achieve healthy and full mane by using potato juice mask. Mix potato juice with egg white and spoonful honey then apply the mixture on your hair and mask. Massage gently for five minutes. 

Cover your hair for about 2 hours. 

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.  When you use this mask every fortnight, you will notice an increase in volume in 3 months. 

Natural Conditioner

In ancient civilizations, women used potato juice to soften their hair. The starch in the potato covers the hair strands, helping the hair retain moisture. The starch also holds enough oil needed by the hair. It is important to note that the starch will absorb any excess oil in the hair and scalp.

Use potato juice and olive oil mask as a pre-wash conditioner. Massage the mixture to your scalp and let it settle for 20 minutes. Use a mild shampoo to wash it off. Your hair will feel soft than usual. 

Remedy for Oily Scalp

Excess oil on the hair and scalp weakens the hair leading to breakage. It is necessary only to allow your hair grow with enough oil.

The scalp produces a natural oil called sebum. Some conditions hasten the production of sebum, making the hair oily and slippery. It also attracts a lot of dirt, hence harboring bacteria and fungi.

Magnesium and vitamin B act as cleansers. They dilute the oil and loosen the dead skin on the scalp. The scalp is left clean from any build-up. The juice also opens up the hair follicles allowing the regular flow of sebum.

Potato contains a lot of starch. As you know, starch absorbs oils so well. Therefore, applying potato juice mask, the starch will absorb all the sebum and oils. 

Using a combination of potato juice and rice water for oily scalp will give you the best results.

Reverses Hair Loss

Vitamin C and B strengthen the roots and hair strands. The strength acquired help then resist breakage. Hair fiber can get damaged due to manipulation. The potato juice helps in repairing the damage. 

Massage raw potato juice on your scalp more than 15 minutes before rinsing off. You can also use it as a dietary juice. Drink a cup of potato juice every morning. It will nourish your hair from within. Besides reversing hair loss, you will also reap other health benefits from this wonder juice. 

a woman touching hair/Potato juice for hair

Side Effects of Raw Potato Juice

  • Spotty potatoes, green Potatoes and Sprouted potatoes contain solanine and alkaloid. The two elements are toxic and can be harmful to your body. Avoid them by choosing fresh and spots-free potatoes.
  • Some people are allergic to starch, therefore, consuming raw potato juice for hair growth can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and rashes
  • Excess potato juice can have laxative effects on your body.

Different Types of Potato juice masks

  1. Plain Raw Potato juice

This is the purest form of potato juice mask. Use Omega CNC80S Multi-Purpose juicer to extract the potato juice from your peeled potatoes.

Massage the juice on your hair 20 minutes before shampooing. 

Use this juice once per week. It will cleanse tour hair of all impurities and strengthen the hair follicles.

Get your very own multi-purpose juice here on Amazon!

Potato Juice, Egg and honey mask

Use your multipurpose Juicer to extract potato juice from 3 medium-sized potatoes.

Mix the juice with whisked Egg York and one tablespoon of honey.

Use the mask 30 minutes before shampooing your hair.

This mixture helps to prevent drying of scalp and hair. It deep conditions your hair, leaving it soft and moisturized.  The element of honey helps to fight fungi that causes dandruff. The egg York helps in hair growth. 

This mixture is safe to use every week.

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Potato juice and Aloe Vera

Mix the juice of one large potato with to tablespoon on aloe vera gel

Massage in the mixture 30 minutes then rinse off with clean lukewarm water.

This mask is suitable for curbing seborrheic dermatitis and other scalp infections. 

Aloe vera shields the hair from harmful UV Rays, hence it helps the hair regain its luster.

You can also use an aloe Vera gel and potato juice mixture as an organic gel. It will hold your hair down the whole day, protect it from UV rays and infuse it with nutrient.

The mask is safe to use twice a week. If you do not have enough time for that, you can apply once a week.

Potato juice and Onion juice

A mixture of Potato Juice and onion juice will accelerate your hair growth by a significant rate.

Use the juice of one large potato and a medium-sized onion. Cover your head for 20 minutes then rinse off with clean lukewarm water.

The mixture is safe to use once per week.

Different Ways to use Potato Juice

Using potato juice as a hair mask is just one way you can gain the benefits of the juice. Below are other different ways in which you can use potato juice for hair growth.

Massage Cream

You will need half a cup of potato juice, quarter a cup of tomato puree, and half teaspoon of molten shea butter. Mix the ingredients thoroughly

Massage a wet scalp with the mixture for 30 minutes.

Rinse off with cold water.

This mixture will help unclog the pores, kill bacteria, and get rid of dandruff and flakes.

It will reduce scalp irritation, balance the pH, strengthen hair roots and soften the strands.

Scalp Exfoliator

Mix one tablespoon potato juice, one teaspoon boiled oatmeal and half teaspoon crushes cloves. 

This mixture will remove dead skin, dandruff, and oils. It will also hydrate the scalp and hair cells. The cloves gently scrub the scalp leaving it clean and unharmed.

Use the mixture daily for two weeks to get the best results. 

Leave-In night Serum

You will need one Tablespoon potato juice, quarter teaspoon turmeric, half teaspoon coconut oil and five drops of lemon juice

Mix the ingredients thoroughly

Use the serum on alternate nights. On those nights, use a cotton head wrap.

Wash the serum with aloe vera based shampoo.

The mixture will help unclog the pores, revive the health of the follicles, soothe inflamed pores and soften the hair strands.

Pre-Shampoo conditioner 

To prepare a homemade pre-shampoo conditioner, use three teaspoons of potato juice, half teaspoon raw milk cream, half teaspoon glycerin and half teaspoon of honey. 

Apply the solution on damp hair and scalp. 

The mixture helps in killing bacteria, conditioning the hair strands, improves the supply of oxygen to the scalp and balancing the scalp’s pH.

potato juice for hair


Potato juice for Hair Growth has so many benefits. There are many creative ways that you can use the juice for the benefit of your hair.

When you are trying to use different products to improve the health of your hair and scalp, do not forget that eating a healthy diet should be the first step to achieving your goal.

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